Resolution Recap for 2015

Uggg, it’s time to check in with me concerning my resolutions for 2015.  I had lots but I just shared a few with you, one for each category: BODY (physical health), MIND (mental/brain development), HEART (relationships) & SOUL (spirituality & faith).

Here’s a recap!

2015 (1 of 1)

BODY – participate in 2 or more fun fitness events

I did it! I kinda knocked this one out of the park in that it was more than just 2.  I did a sunset SUP yoga (yoga at sunset on a stand up paddle board at Kits Beach).  There happened to be a community yoga on the beach that night so we joined over 500 people in that too. I also paticipated in Mudderella Whistler, Fraser Valley Grape Escape Cycle Tour, cliff jumping, snow mobiling, R4W etc.

EndMS3 yoga SUP              mudd me  mudd feet

MIND – read at least 10 non-fiction books this year.

young (2 of 3)   young (1 of 3) young (3 of 3)

Almost. (….Younger Next Year, Essentialism, Unbroken, Lean In, Elizabeth Smart Story,Happiness Advantage, The Greatest Gift…that’s all that’s coming to me right now. I need to keep better track.)

HEART – Pay It Forward with Daily Good Deeds


I did it…kind of.  I for sure performed 365 acts of kindness or 365 days worth of good deeds BUT sometimes the act covered 10 to 20 to 50 people in a day (ie. staff breakfast, school staff lunch, party etc.) while other days maybe 1 person (ie. note of encouragement or buying Starbucks for the person behind me in drive through) and some days I did nothing!  But, I’m giving myslf a check mark…I for sure performed 365 good deeds in 2015.

hand heart  Long-table-helinda

SOUL – faith building through prayer

That was a pretty vague goal…I did pray… funny how we often pray lots when we are going through tough times and there were a few of those this past year…and that has a way of growing your faith.

So at the end of the day…or in this case, at the end of the year…how do I feel about my 2015 resolutions.  I feel success…and inspired to make a whole new list.


Stay tuned for my 2016 resolutions.