Reviewing My 2016 Resolutions
Read on for my goals from 2016…I’m inspired to set new goals for 2017
I recently received a card in the mail from an old friend with greetings for the new year.
The cover reads, ‘There is nothing more hopeful than a new calendar filled with wide open spaces.’ and inside it reads ‘Fill this new year with the things you love’
What can I say, I was inspired, so this year I will spend more time doing things I love and spend more time with the people I love. Here is what I’ve come up with so far.
HEART – I love my family, my friends and people in general… so…I will be intentional with my time and enjoy vacations, adventures, date nights, coffee time, wine o:clock, group time, one-on-one time, activities, conversations etc.
BODY – I love being active and I love food. I will participate in several fun fitness events and get my family and friends to join me. I will not obsess over the things I don’t love or can’t change about my body but I will love it for what it can do. I will continue to eat (ha ha) and cook for my family and entertain friends, I will be intentional with my food choices, I will try new foods, new recipes and explore new restaurants with my group of foodie friends.
MIND – I love being creative so I will use my creativity and artistic tendencies in ways I enjoy; writing, drawing, sketching, painting, creating, at work etc and I will also read 20 or more books this year.
SOUL – I love my God so I will live a life of gratitude, see my glass as half full, count my blessings and use my gifts, talents, and what I have been given to support, uplift and encourage others.
Sounds good right…fyi, that’s not all…I also hope to lose 10 pounds, get my home organized after I read and implement ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo (stay tuned, I hear it is life changing:),arrive on time, do some professional development at work, drink more water and green tea, travel, remember to send out cards for family birthdays, budget, decrease snacking…I just cant stop thinking of good resolution ideas…do you have any other ideas for me?
What are your resolutions for 2016! I hope you fill this new year with the things you love!