A celebration of love
THE SUN was shining in a bright blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds this past Saturday in Armstrong BC. A perfect day for a backyard wedding. This day had been highly anticipated. My daughter Lucy had the honour of being a flower girl at my niece Miranda’s wedding and took the task quite seriously.
For over a month I have been questioned about how many more sleeps until the wedding, how her dress will fit, how she should wear her hair, who’s going to be there, what does a flower girl do, does a’ ring bear’ have sharp claws and will we be safe. You would’ve thought she was the bride so eager with anticipation.
And while it was a big day for Lucy (and she did beautifully, I might add), this day belonged to my strong, sweet and beautiful niece Miranda. The backyard setting and details were picturesque and whimsical, the music set the mood, the flowers were hand picked, the wind gently blew making the wheat in the field beyond appear to be waving.
As guests sat in rows and the wedding commenced there was one chair noticeably empty save for the bouquet of gerber daisies placed there by the groom. Traditionally the groom escorts the mother of the bride to this particular seat. But sadly there would be no mother of the bride sitting in the seat, dabbing her eyes and looking on with pride because less than a year ago Miranda’s mom passed away after her battle with ovarian cancer. There was not a dry eye in the crowd as Miranda and her dad walked down the isle arm in arm.
I may just be the aunt but I was beaming with pride for this amazing bride who exemplifies strength, perseverance and beauty and has been able to experience joy and love after such heartbreak and loss.
My sister in law Helen may not have been sitting in that chair but she would no doubt be beaming with pride.