Go play outside
Go outside and play…because I said so!!!
We all know time spent in the great outdoors is important (Check back on Friday to learn more from Melinda’s blog post). Luckily my kids spend a fair bit of time outside BUT sometimes the great outdoors is not where they want to be and sometimes I think it’s the best place for them. Especially when I can tell they are getting a little stir crazy and they need to get out of the house before chaos ensues. Through the years I have practiced a few clever ideas to get my kids into the great outdoors:
DIGGING FOR TREASURE – dig for treasures in the sandbox…weather it’s a backyard box or one at a park just bury a bag of little animals or other figurines ( found at the dollar store) or even some coins from your change purse and let the kids search for treasure
SCAVENGER HUNT- create a scavenger hunt with a list of items for the kids to search for (worm, pine cone, flower, heart shaped rock etc. and if your kids can’t read just include picture clues and you can make it longer and more elaborate for older kids
FOREST FAIRY FIND – tell the kids you heard the forest fairies were about the night before and have them search for clues…of course you’ll have to set up the clues beforehand including sprinkling glitter or setting out little signs of a fairy tea party with mini picnic blanket, chairs, flowers etc
GET DOWN TO BUSINESS – put them to work…maybe doesn’t sound like fun but sometimes the promise of a monetary reward can be very motivating and help you with yard work or have them open up their own business; a lemonade stand…but why limit it to lemonade…you could sell fruit juice, freezies, Popsicles, popcorn, blackberries they picked etc.
PLANT A GARDEN – gardens are a great way to get the kids outside and if you didn’t plant one from seed you can buy little plants at your local nursery and have your kids tend the gardens and reap the harvest
WATER FIGHT – nothing like a water fight on a hot day using balloons, water guns or buckets…splish, splash and have a blast!
I think you get the idea and perhaps have a few great ideas of your own but I think it’s time I peel away from this computer and practice what I preach…I’m going outside!