Goodbye 2015 Hello 2016
I’m not sure if we squeezed the life out of 2015 or it squeezed the life out of us…but either way 2015 is coming to an end and 2016 begins fresh on Friday.
As you know from my last blog post, my year was full!
And as I look ahead at the year to come, I have no doubt it will be another full year. What can I say, we still have 5 kids, we still have a business to run and a household to manage and so I have come to expect and even enjoy a full calendar…but for 2016 I will aspire to manage it a little better but more importantly appreciate it for what it means.
I will appreciate the constant driving to and from school and activities because it means I have a car to drive, kids to fill my car, a school for my children to attend and they are able to participate in activities with their healthy bodies.
I will appreciate the dirty windows, leaky faucets, stained carpets, chipped paint around the house because it means I have a home to live in that is well used.
I will appreciate the piles of laundry, sticky floors, messes, dirty dishes etc. because it means I have a house full of little people who need me and hopefully love me.
I will appreciate all the noise, bickering and chattering around the house and in the confines of the truck because it means I can hear…and we are communicating…and it’s kind of like quality family time…right?
I will appreciate when my husband works late, works weekends, works out of town, works out because it means I have a strong, healthy husband who provides for his family.
I will appreciate that full calendar darn it all because it means I have purpose:)
2015 was great but if I continue appreciating things I should be on track to a really great 2016.
May we all enjoy Peace, Harmony, Balance & Blessings in 2016