Mom’s turning 81
This month my mother celebrates her 81st birthday.
Wow, 81. I sure hope to live as full a life as her. As of late she has been having episodes of her heart racing. The last time this happened she headed to emergency to be monitored, medicated, hospitalized, checked over and finally released.
I’m not too happy about these heart irregularities, but she is at peace and isn’t slowing down a bit.
Her friends will tell her to ‘take it easy’ but she insists on living a full life, after all it’s not like she is smoking and drinking heavily and eating excessive junk food. She eats healthy (aside from the thick layer of butter on her rye bread) she keeps busy visiting family and friends, helping those who are house bound, bringing food to the homeless, enjoying art class, Bible studies, prayer meetings and attending church. It’s a full and enjoyable life.
On our latest visit I asked her advice on how to live a happy life. Here is what she had to say.
• Have Faith: my faith in God doesn’t mean I don’t have problems, it just means I’ve got a deep joy and peace on this journey through life
• Forgive yourself and others: we ALL make mistakes
• Laugh at Yourself and don’t waste your time on worry: laughter is such good medicine and when you can laugh at yourself you can laugh at anything
• Count your Blessings: once you start, you just can’t help but realize how blessed you really are
• Put others before yourself: when we serve others it gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment
That’s my Mom. I know she could have added many more as she is a wealth of wisdom and insight.
Maybe she hasn’t written any books and is not on the motivational speaker’s circuit but she has always inspired me.
Happy Birthday Mom…when I grow up I want to be just like you!!!!