Spring break in paradise
Our family enjoyed just over a week in Maui over the Spring Break and what a great time we had! Even though I still had to cook and clean, do laundry and parent, I had a terrific holiday. It’s hard not to enjoy yourself in paradise when the husband is around all the time to help out, the family dynamics are great, the climate is perfect, the sky is blue, the sand is soft, the water clear, the landscape lush and colorful and every member of the family has adopted the ‘hang loose’ island mentality…ALOHA!
Aside from five stitches (due to my ‘cutting-edge parenting’ where Annabelle accidentally walked into my steak knife and required a visit to the clinic…ouch), some minor sunburn, a few scrapes and sibling scraps, we returned after our break in paradise safe and sound, ready to fall back into routine. We are back at home refreshed, well rested, a little bit sun-kissed and ready for spring.
How did you spend your spring break?