Father’s Day 2015
This past weekend was Father’s Day!
All over social media were touching posts, pictures and updates as people celebrated their fathers.
I’d love to write a blog post singing my own late Dad’s praises about how he was my rock, my encourager & supporter, or how he made me feel safe and loved and that he was always there for me…etc.
But as you know, I like to keep it real.
My parents divorced when I was young and although my father was always in my life he never really took on an active role, he rarely took the initiative to foster our relationship.
The once a week visits petered out and if they did happen it was my mom or I who had to initiate.
He was invited but rarely came out to the school plays and musicals that I was starring in, the church performances, the games and sporting events, my graduation or to visit me when I was hospitalized after an accident or after giving birth to his grand babies.
I’m not writing this to complain about my Dad because I know it could have been far worse. He lived a full life, he did call me on my birthday to wish me Happy Birthday, we embraced every time we saw one another, he walked me down the aisle at my wedding and he once admitted that he thought he was a better father to his step kids than he was to all his own kids.

Do I believe he loved me? Yes, in his own way I trust he did but, sadly, I didn’t particularly feel the love.
Reflecting upon my relationship with my own Dad makes me want to celebrate what a great Dad Bill is to our kids. He is everything My Dad wasn’t and more. He is involved in their lives, bursting with pride and will talk about them to anyone who will listen, he takes time for them, cheers them on, gives them advice, guides them, encourages them, teaches them, hugs them, plays with them, talks to them, listens to them, disciplines them and yes, annoys them….but ohhh, there is no doubt they feel loved and cherished by their dad…. which makes me love him all the more!
Thanks Bill!
We are blessed!