Gardening with the chicklets

It’s time to plant the garden.

The funny thing is, our fabulous garden boxes still have the remnants of last year’s harvest…a few carrots still growing as well as some forgotten potatoes taking root and sprouting up once again.  The kids insisted we cook and/or eat what remained before turning over the soil and planting again.

This year we were a little more selective in what we planted.

Normally I give the kids liberty to pick out the seeds of what they’d like to grow & subsequently eat.

This has been pretty cool but some of those veggies look way better on the package to the kids than they look or taste in real life.  Several rows of radishes was fun and colorful but 1 kid out of 5 just couldn’t eat all the yield.


We also factored in what has proven to grow well around here and what doesn’t.  No corn, watermelon or romaine lettuce for us this year.

So, narrowing it down to what we will eat and what grows well we have planted the following:

Spinach, kale, beans, carrots, potatoes, snow peas, zucchini, pumpkins and flowers…not for eating but how can I say no to those faces.

Happy gardening!


