Go Canada Go!

Olympic fever is alive and well in our home with medal standings being checked regularly and events recorded on the PVR being viewed by us patriotic Canadians.  We cozy up on the couch, enjoy some snacks and cheer on our country.  Go Canada Go! 


When I asked the family what they enjoyed watching the most here is what they shared.


Bill watches it all…mostly highlights but he even takes time for the sports that sound like they are straight out of a hair salon.




Annabelle voted for the skeleton.

Liam was hockey all the way.

Violet & Lucy like the figure skating events.

And Joe (or should I say G.I. Joe) likes those athletes on skis with the rifles, Biathlon.

And myself, I love watching the slope events, both skiing and boarding…WOW!




I’ll be sad when the Olympics wrap up but until then…GO CANADA GO!




Snacks: Bowl of Smarties as Olympic rings, cones with popcorn as the torch and the Canadian Cookies are from Nature’s Pickin’s.