Happy New Year 2018
New Year Better You
You’ve heard it said…’New Year New You‘ .
But what’s wrong with the old you? We think you’re pretty great but I suppose there is always room for improvement.
Our mantra for this year is ‘New Year Better You’.
Let’s make this our best year yet…but how?
Many people make new years resolutions at this time of year. Some people love them and some people loathe them but only an estimated 8% achieve them. Yikes.
Here is a simple and well known strategy to help you achieve those resolutions and become better this year than we were last year.
Make Smart Resolutions – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound
Specific – your goal should be clear and specific so you can focus your efforts…not ‘I want to lose weight’ rather ‘I want to lose 5 pounds’ … not, ‘I want to be healthier’ rather ‘I want to drink 8 glasses of water a day and eat veggies with every meal’
Measurable – it’s important to be able to track your progress … to figure out how much, how many or how you will know if you achieved the goal … not ‘I’m gonna get fit’ rather ‘I will get a gym membership and attend the gym 3x a week’
Achievable – you need to be able to make it happen…let’s be realistic…it needs to be possible with your current resources and talents … some people might want to grow to be 6 feet tall but there is not a lot of control they have over the outcome
Relevant – it needs to be relevant for you or you wont be motivated to achieve it … these are your resolutions, you need to make sure they matter to you
Time-bound – goals need a due date … a target date of completion but it’s good to also keep in mind what can be done each day to make that goal more attainable.
Let’s Do This
Okay, we have the tools we need to Be Better this year…now it’s time to starts thinking about what our actually resolutions will be. Do you have any ideas?