Helinda’s topless photo session

I know it’s hard to believe but I decided to get some topless photos taken.  Sounds risque, right?!


It wasn’t really, I had a mammogram  the other day.  You see, 40 is that magic age in Canada where they want you in for the first of many mammogram screenings.
Overall  the experience went quickly and smoothly but it’s never pleasant nor painless watching a perky little melon be squashed until its as flat as a pancake, then holding your breath and wincing under the pressure as the photo is taken. Once vertically and once horizontally, ouch!
As far as the merits of mammogram screenings, the jury is still out; they are costly; can cause unnecessary stress, can be inconclusive…but then on the other side of the jury are the mothers daughters, sisters, aunts and women of all ages whose lives have been saved because of regular mammogram screening.




And so, I decided to go for it!




Yes, I had topless photos done but I haven’t seen the results yet. I just hope they are beautiful and flawless.
