Merry Christmas From Us to You!
Ready or Not, Christmas has arrived.
We are as ready as we’re gonna be…the tree is up, the nativity set out, the stockings are stuffed, the groceries are purchased, the presents are wrapped and the annual family photos (thanks to Rachel Ludwig Photography) and Christmas letters have been sent off.
This past year has been quite a year with ups and downs, health concerns, hospital visits, time spent with specialists and surgeons, restored health, loss of a loved ones, stresses, surprises, disappointments, accomplishments, vacations and of course a sometimes (basically pretty much all the time) chaotic schedule! My calendar is full!
We feel so blessed and thankful for our our family & friends, for cheerleaders, encouragers, helpers, thankful we love what we do and thankful for who we get to work alongside, thankful for our faith, our school, our community, this country, a roof over our heads, food to eat, family vacations, our health and our healthcare system, thankful for so much but so very thankful for each other . Yes indeed, my heart is full. God is good.
May you take the time to slow down and count your blessings this Christmas season and reflect upon this quote:
“The happiest people don’t have the best of eveything they just make the best of everything.”
Peace, Joy and Love to you and yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS!