My life as a mom
There are many roles I have played in my life but the role of a mother is among my favorites. Am I good at being a mom…well I’m not sure about that but then I will look at my kids when they do something incredibly sweet, kind, insightful, thoughtful or amazing and I’ll think…well, I must be doing something right. Right?
I figure that what I am doing right is just loving them for who they are and recognizing that each one of them is a unique individual. My role as a mom seems ever changing. Sometimes it’s the nurse mom who will kiss it better, sometime it’s the taxi mom who will get them where they need to be, sometimes it’s the teacher mom who insists they do their homework, sometimes it’s the therapist mom who tries to convince them that the latest drama is not the end of the world, sometimes it’s the huggy-kissy mom who just wants to hold them a little longer, sometimes it’s the grumpy mom who isn’t very nice, sometimes it’s the crazy mom who does embarrassing things, sometimes it’s the cheerleading mom who cheers a little too loud or a little too long, sometimes it’s the mean mom who says ‘no’, and sometimes it’s the fun mom (she’s their favorite I think) who does what they want to do for fun.
With Mother’s Day just around the corner I thought I would play the role of ‘fun mom’ and take the time to enjoy a tea party with my two little girls. Our tea party was delightful and I thought to the world I may just be a stay-at-home mom but to my family I am the world!
![teatime 860-2](
![teatime 860](
Happy Mother’s Day to all you fabulous mother’s and never forget the value of the role you play; priceless.