Out with the old and in with the New

A new year always feels like a fresh start, I love it.  I suppose the same can be said for a new month, a new week, a new day, heck even a new minute but a new year is a more momentous occasion to start afresh.

One tradition we never waiver from is setting New Year’s Resolutions.  Some people loath resolutions but I love them.  We do this with our immediate family but also with my extended family and at the end of a year I usually can feel at least slightly good about achieving some of my goals.  I know some things might not have happened if I hadn’t told a group of people what I hoped to accomplish and knew they’d hold me accountable.  I’ve completed ½ marathons, organized my home, drank more green tea, read more books, prayed more often and so much more all because I set them out as resolutions.

So tonight marks the end of the old year and beginning of the new year and I challenge you to figure out some resolutions for yourself.

And my hubby will love this but make sure that your resolutions, your goals are S.M.A.R.T:

S: specific      M: measurable     A: achievable     R: realistic     T: timely

Since weight loss and exercise are among the most popular resolutions I’ll use them to help define the above;

Specific – don’t just resolve to lose weight, put a number on it…don’t say I’ll work out more but rather I’ll work out at least 3x a week

Measurable – establish concrete criteria for measuring progress, lbs, time spent at gym etc.

Achievable – pick something you can do and feel successful at and adjust if necessary, if you work out zero days a week it might be challenging to commit to working out 6 days a week…don’t start with lofty seemingly unattainable goals rather set yourself up for success

Realistic – don’t resolve to lose 100 lbs if you are 6 feet tall and weigh 160lbs or don’t sign up and run a marathon on Jan 3rd if you haven’t exercised in 4 years.

Timely – goals should have a time frame because ‘someday’ has no sense of urgency…for example, I hope to lose 10 lbs by March

Good luck with figuring out your resolutions and as Benjamin Franklin once said ‘If you fail to plan you plan to fail’.
