The superstar seed

Quinoa. It’s so hot right now.


And while we try to avoid talking of the latest food trends, we felt it was time to talk about this rockstar seed. After all, it does have some pretty incredible health properties.


Why we love it: quinoa is very high in protein making it the perfect companion for vegans and vegetarians. It’s also incredibly versatile – hot, cold, in a salad for dinner or as an alternative to traditional oatmeal at breakfast. Quinoa is also an excellent source of magnesium and a good source of iron and vitamin B6.


How to eat it: A few weeks ago, we shared this delicious recipe suggested by our lab coordinator Lara. Quinoa is great as an alternative to rice or cous-cous. Or for those nostalgic for their grandmother’s rice pudding, what about this quinoa pudding recipe?


Where to buy it: Organic quinoa is available pre-packaged or in the bulk foods sections of most supermarkets. Also keep an eye out for the more difficult to find red and black quinoa varieties.


Tip: always rinse quinoa before cooking. Raw quinoa is coated in a toxic chemical called saponin however rinsing it thoroughly with cold water is all you need to do. This will also get rid of its bitter flavour.


Quick note: quinoa has been getting some bad press lately due to global demand pushing up the price of this staple food for those who live in the Andes – where virtually all the quinoa sold in North America is grown. We are excited to see whether quinoa grown closer to home will take off. Check out this article for more information.